Working at Home Virtual Reality Plus Reality (Virtuality)

Defining Virtual:
1. very close to being something without actually being it
2. existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet
Merriam Webster Dictionary

virtual vs reality

Defining Virtual Reality, which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer-simulated life, replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in… Wikipedia:

Reality: Physical presence, actuality. This would be us sitting at our computers in our home office. This is where we need to conduct business. With our trusty Internet connection we have access to virtuality and the massive sea of information and opportunities.

We can learn how to drive traffic on the information super highway (in virtuality) r

Always Working at Home

When Roger Bannister, after breaking the 4-minute mile, was interviewed, (1956) he was asked to describe how he did it. He replied: “It’s the ability to take more out of yourself than you’ve got.” That is one of those quotes that you want to always refer to in order to stay motivated.

always working

Can We Do It All? What a bizzy life to have a Day Job AND a Home Business, (not to mention family responsibilities). However sacrifices may be necessary, because it may be critical to have more than one source of income; AND it may just be a good idea (multiple streams of income) to make some extra money.

There are many different motivations for people to want to start their own business. For whatever reason, if they are willing to work hard, then they can have whatever level of involvement they want in their home business, or at least that which is accept

Starting a Business – Do What You Love and Love What You Do

It is absolutely true that we do best at what we like to do. In your career you are very fortunate if you have a job that you completely love. This might only really be possible if you decided early in your life what you want to ‘be’ and took the action to get the education or training to do what you wanted to do. Starting a business is another chance.

love what u do

Many people see a job as only a means to an end – it pays the bills. They tolerate it out of necessity only. Within reason they are willing to put in the time and follow the directions to keep that position. Some will try to exceed expectations so that they might be promoted to a better-paying job someday.

If that doesn’t happen in a reasonable period of time, and they have confidence and self-esteem, they will make a promotion happen even if they have to look outside of their present com