Starting an Online Business – Don’t Be ‘Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish’

If somebody reputable offered you hundreds of dollars worth of resources with no obligation/contracts, if you would only pay ten dollars, wouldn’t you think it would be logical to accept the offer? There are those that are so very ignorant of reality that they will only hear you when you say ‘free’ and of course they will gladly accept that.


Everybody likes free and it is a great marketing ploy to get people’s attention, as well as to give them a ‘leg up’ in starting a business. However, as snarky as it may sound, somebody who is afraid to spend $10 on their own business really needs a job, not a business. Oh, you honestly don’t have $10? Then again, you really need a job. Maybe you can manage to save $10 and hope that the offer is still good by the time you get it.

As they say, you ‘can’t get something for nothing’. So although you m

Be Flexible In Your Home Business Start-Up Plan

A good analogy is the difference between water and earth. Water is able to flow over, under and through any solid matter. Earth on the other hand is solid and has various limitations about where it can go and what it can do. You want to be able to ‘go with the flow’ wherever it leads at any given time. There will be obstacles almost certainly but you do not want them to ever stop you. You need to learn how to go around them if you can’t resolve them.

You want to be able to move in whatever direction you find is conducive to business. If the niche or market you have chosen is not showing any promise then at the very least you should have the ability to add additional products or services so as to fit into another niche. This is one reason why the ‘multiple streams of income’ concept is so wise. In that case the premise (for one thing) is that if one stream is not moving or has even dried up, it won’t be as serious to your bottom line if you have others that

Starting an Online Business – Focus is your Friend

‘Focus’ may be one of those ‘by-words’ that people just take for granted that they understand. They believe they are focused because they commit to sit down at their computer and ‘do’ business for X number of hours. If you really take stock though of what you are spending your time on, you will find that much of it is actually wasting your time and in fact you are not focused at all on what you need to do; the worst part is if you foster that type of activity you will start to spin your wheels.

Spinning wheels means you are not going anywhere. You are not making any progress and you just start to sink like quicksand in all the information. Then you may figure you just can’t handle it or it just isn’t for you because you just don’t understand it all. Spinning your wheels is cousin to ‘information overload’ and ‘paralysis by analysis’. It also has relationship to what may be called ‘the kid i