Home Business Entrepreneur – Balance Your Life

If we only had work or we only had play it just wouldn’t be right. We need a balance between the two – we need to work hard and then we need to take time out to rest and relax. It is not ‘slacking’ to take some time each day to do something else – doesn’t really matter what so much as it is just to have a healthy balance.


You can spend your ‘you’ time taking a cat nap, which has been proven to make people more efficient; you can get some fresh air and exercise, and of course this will help us to relieve stress and increase our circulation so we can think more clearly. There are many things that we can do if we don’t have an official ‘hobby’ or ‘pastime’; and to a degree, while not condoning couch potatoism, even just watching a movie or anything that will serve to take our mind off of business is a winner!

Online Home Business Entrepreneur – Bucking Up

One of the most detrimental ‘habits’ or ‘traits’ for anyone doing anything is a sense of entitlement. Nobody owes you anything other than what they have literally agreed to. It is particularly harmful to people who are learning to start their own business if they believe someone else is responsible for their success or failure.

Being new, being computer illiterate, etc are not valid excuses where we become entitled to someone else doing our work (unless they have agreed specifically to do so or we are paying them). If we don’t know something then we need to learn it. ‘Information is power’ is certainly true, that is if we use the information to take action. If there is free training available certainly take advantage of it. If necessary pay for training through a community college (online) or some other online resource that is free or inexpensive.

We must take responsibility for our own actions. If we buy something then we