For Best Results, Don’t Rush Your Home Business Start-Up

A good analogy of how things can’t be rushed in the logical (real) world, is that of a crop which must be nurtured to grow. Nobody puts the seeds in the ground and then turns around and clicks their heels three times to see a brand new baby tree! It takes preparation, maintenance, and patience!

For best results someone would prepare the soil, plant the seeds, fertilize it, and then water it a little at a time every day. Eventually they would see little sprouts and with any luck eventually they would grow into a baby vegetable. You may pick it at that point in some cases or in others you would continue to watch it grow into a mature plant. At that point it would need to be washed and cooked or in some way prepared to eat it in most cases.

With a business it is just plain silly for people to believe that somehow – (magic?) they will join an affiliate program or get a web page online and then expect something to materialize right away. They may make some atte

The Importance of Choosing a Good Affiliate Program

Before spending your money on anything, of course you want to be fully aware of what you are actually buying into. You need to know if you can afford it, and if it meets your requirements. You need to be sure that you will be able to use it effectively (does the program include training, instruction and support). You need to know how it works and what is included (the basics as well as any resources available to members). Very importantly for any affiliate program, you need to be aware of any special circumstances that may be part of the compensation plan.

There is usually a lot more to it than that you pay so much for the membership and you receive a percentage of the cost in commissions when you make a sale. The special circumstances could mean that you are ‘passing up’ a commission to your sponsor or giving them a percentage of each sale. In some really progressive companies, you could even be ‘spilling over’ your sales to your downline (those you

Home Business Start-Up – Try and Try Again

Sometimes when we attempt to do something it is just not the right time, for whatever reason. These reasons can include lack of time, lack of money, and/or lack of initiative. It may take you several starts to actually get the ball rolling. From there only time will tell if you are able to sustain it. If you pick up the ball but do not run far with it, that’s ok – put it away and come back another day.

There seems to be a common pattern however, that is self-defeating, and that is that people come in like gangbusters, all inspired and determined to succeed. Some would say they are ‘on fire’; but then when they don’t see immediate results, they just back off, which is exactly the opposite of what they should do, which is try harder.

Maybe it would be better to just start off on an even, logical keel and see where that takes you. There is actually a saying somewhere about this and how a fire that starts out white hot is quick to burn out; but a fire that i