Long gone are the days where we could depend on finding a job automatically; or that people could just up and quit a job because they felt they could find something better — whether it was more money or more interesting, better location, people could pick and choose when it came to a job. Nowadays the people are more likely to just feel thankful that they have a job at all and learn to live with what they can’t change.


We never know what jobs will be cut and they don’t usually give a lot of warning so as to limit the ability to retaliate by sabotage, etc. It is becoming more and more common through a couple of the job recessions in recent decades, that even higher education does not make you immune to the cycle of losing a job and not finding a replacement anytime soon. The big difference is job elimination. It is not just people moving in and out, being promoted, demoted, retiring or whatever — the position is gone. Not being filled anymore – outsourced, off-shored, eliminated, merged, workforce reduced.

It is surprising then that more people do not see the Internet and making money at home as a viable alternative to depleting all of their reserves (savings, investments, etc) just to pay the bills while looking and looking for a job that is not there; going on many unfruitful interviews that are just a waste of time. It is sad but even people that are willing to take a step backwards in salary or title just to work are turned away because employers feel that they will leave if something more along their own line becomes available.

It is said when there are so many unemployed that if an employer was looking for a girl riding a purple horse with polka dots that one could be found; so there goes the angle of just giving the job to someone who needs it even if the qualifications are not exactly matched. It is really, really a ‘cruel world’ when it comes to being unemployed. That is precisely why people need to take control of their own destiny and create their own income.

There are so many things someone could do to earn money with their computer or otherwise from home. The possibilities are really limitless. If you take stock of all of your skills and experience, and even your interests, you can come up with several different ways to make money without investing much at all. The ideal time to investigate the possibilities is when you still have a job or at least when you have the time and some resources such as unemployment insurance and/or severance pay to tide you over.

It is important to take a few days just to get over the shock and resolve all the feelings you might be having if you suddenly find yourself without a job to go to Monday. It is best if you feel good about yourself and positive about your prospects so that you will be motivated to take swift action to land on your feet. If you are so inclined you might do both – interview for jobs and pursue starting your own business from home.

Any port in a storm, it would also be ideal if you could work temporary jobs as a consultant to stretch your unemployment insurance further, etc and this is another way you may find out about available jobs. Maybe you will decide to work part-time your first year or so of having your own home business. This is ideal because it is likely you won’t make money right away while you are developing your ideas. Whatever unfolds, just know that ‘when one door closes another one opens’. Make it a better one!

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