Your New Home Business – Get It Together

Organization and planning are key to functioning efficiently. Think of a piece of paper – how does it make you feel when it is blank – like you need to do something? Now what does it make you feel when it is all scribbled up, crossed out, notated, or even stained with coffee mug ring – like you want to escape?

This piece of paper analogy can be seen as your mind. You need to find a starting point in which you can logically plan and organize your business activities. So start with your office space itself – whether that is a whole room or just a desk or table where you have your PC.

Clear out all the things that do not relate to the business at hand – if you have a lot of little junk then find a box, jar or bowl to put things in. For papers either throw them out or find a folder or box for them if you don’t have a cabinet or drawer.

Using this same principle, consider your email account. Is your inbox total chaos? For thi

Setting Goals for Your Home Business Plan

It is important to have specific goals and tasks. When you are creating your plan, don’t use vague references like ‘eat breakfast’ – make it specific: ‘eat eggs, toast and bacon for breakfast’. That way when you sit down to actually accomplish the necessary tasks to run your business, you know exactly what you need to do.

It is also when you are creating the plan that you will set your goals and make sure you are able to perform whatever you need to without being interrupted or having everything in ‘pending’. For example you can’t have eggs for breakfast unless you first go to the store to buy the eggs. So take some real time on the details to create your plan so that it will run smoothly and you can actually do what you need to do rather than to keep going back to the planning stage.

Lists are great but if you have too many things to do they can actually make it worse for you psychologically in that for one th

Internet Marketing – Be the Coach-Friend-Support You Wish You Had

First we need to realize that we are ultimately the one who is responsible if we ‘make it or break it’. Either way we could use some help along the way and will definitely have an opportunity to ‘give something back’ if we stick with it long enough to actually develop a successful business online.

In the Home Business/Internet marketing industry we are blessed with the theory that ‘you must give to receive’. People know that, and as they say, ‘we succeed only if you succeed’. It’s just a matter of professional courtesy to be helpful, supportive and affirming, because ‘what goes around comes around’. This is very different from the ‘dog-eat-dog’ competition tactics people may think of as doing ‘business’.

That’s why Network marketing and Internet marketing go hand-in-hand. It’s about knowing and being known and trusted; …and one way to get known is to share infor