Why People Fail to Succeed in Online Business

The main reason people fail at online business is said to be because they quit too soon, without giving it a fair chance. The underlying reasons for this are that they (a) Believe there is some sort of magic about the Internet that will allow them to succeed by osmosis; (b) Want something for nothing, meaning they are not willing to really work at it. (c) Do not actually have a realistic plan of action that includes investing their time and effort; (d) Do not treat it seriously as they would a job.


Let’s examine each of these things in a little more depth.

(a) Belief in magic. It is true that some terminology may lead someone to feel that things will be a lot easier and faster than they really are. This is where normal people should employ whatever common sense and logic they may have. Understand that the statements are addressed to the public at large. There is a broad

Why More People Don’t Succeed at Internet Marketing

There is a really good saying to always keep in mind: ‘You can’t fail unless you quit’. One other that goes with that is ‘The road to success is littered with failures’. ‘They’ also say that the reason only 5% succeed is for no other reason than 95% quit Internet marketing too soon.

internet marketing

They quit without even trying, or they quit too soon when they don’t see instant results. It does cost a little money to operate a business, so that is one reason people are in such a big rush… Some expect to get the money by osmosis without doing anything to promote it.

Hello what planet are you from? This one it is pretty much the case that you need to work to earn ‘a living’. Other than inheriting money or winning the lottery, there is no such thing as instant wealth or wealth without work. Yes! Even in