Staying in the Game Working At Home

Mindset is always important to anything in your life, from how you see things when you wake up, for example it’s ‘going to be a great day'(!) or ‘just another day’, (ho hum). Obviously it is much easier to go through life having a positive attitude and always expecting the best from others as well as from your own efforts.

However it seems we need a little extra help staying positive and realizing we are still part of the big picture when we work at home alone. Sometimes it does not come at all natural for people to be alone most of the time and it can get depressing if we let it. As well there may eventually manifest the smothering feeling of ‘cabin fever’ from staying home.

The extra help we may need could be anything as simple as setting a time each day to leave the house to go outside for fresh air and exercise – even just an hour will do wonders; Or it can involve maybe signing up at the local community college to take a

Online Home Business Entrepreneur – Bucking Up

One of the most detrimental ‘habits’ or ‘traits’ for anyone doing anything is a sense of entitlement. Nobody owes you anything other than what they have literally agreed to. It is particularly harmful to people who are learning to start their own business if they believe someone else is responsible for their success or failure.

Being new, being computer illiterate, etc are not valid excuses where we become entitled to someone else doing our work (unless they have agreed specifically to do so or we are paying them). If we don’t know something then we need to learn it. ‘Information is power’ is certainly true, that is if we use the information to take action. If there is free training available certainly take advantage of it. If necessary pay for training through a community college (online) or some other online resource that is free or inexpensive.

We must take responsibility for our own actions. If we buy something then we

Internet Marketing – What Goes Around Comes Around

Everything that you do on the Internet can link back to your ‘brand’ or domain name. If you are posting in business forums, social networks, blogs, or article directories using your domain name in your signature file or ‘author bio box’, it will create back-links from that site to yours. Back-links show the search engines that you are engaged in your business so they do not hesitate to send their customers to your links.

The cycle continues as everything you do online is associated to you – for example you may establish yourself as an expert in your field if your articles and blog posts are informative, interesting, and hence have value. Note here that straight spam-type advertisements are never pleasant or attractive to anyone. It is not to say you can’t advertise or promote your business in your content, but it should be discreet and be in the context of information rather than ‘pushing’.

Another thing that goes aroun